I've spent many years devoted to finding myself and I'm here to hold space for you to do the same. It started out as a treacherous, anxious, depressed and physically uncomfortable journey. I know what it feels like to be helpless...to feel so much pain you don't think you can take any more...to be so desperate your only way of surviving is to put on a mask and heavy armor and shut the world out.
As I struggled to tend to my grief and trauma, the universe sent help in many different forms: Therapists, books, chiropractors, life-events, yoga, meditation, nutrition, acupuncture, somatics, reiki, breathwork, shamans, plant medicine, ancestral healing and a whole bunch of other fantastic shit.
I received acupuncture for the first time around 2012. It was my introduction into this world of self-healing. It was the first time I ever felt heard. It was the first time a human looked at my whole body and not just my parts. This was the start of tending to my trauma.
Since then, I have received my masters in Chinese Medicine, certification in breathwork and reiki, and have done extensive research, taken classes and continue my own personal healing in somatics and ancestral connection. These are the tools I currently use in practice.
Today, I'm living a life of more awareness and gratitude than ever before. As I continue down my path of REmembering and REconnecting, I find it natural to guide others through a similar process.
It IS a process. And it takes time.
Guiding others fills me with joy and challenges me to keep growing and digging and opening up.
I look forward to meeting you, holding space for you and working with you on your healing journey.
I live in St.Paul MN with my husband Chris and our full of energy and love, Beagle-mix, Mayble. I love reading (what up Brene Brown, Gabor Mate and Esther Perel, just to name a few! Click here for a list of my fave books), sipping on tea, taking baths, being a witch, hiking, being in connection with fam and friends, yoga, Instagram stories, talking to the dead, Halloween, crafting and being vulnerable.
I landed where I am today in an effort to understand and tend to myself, my lineage and the world around me. I now have a passion for guiding others on their own life journey.
Masters in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Reiki Level 1
Reiki Level 2
Breathwork Teacher Training
Over the years I have had the privilege of taking numerous courses to help deepen my understanding of certain topics and to help me gain a working knowledge of several of the tools I use in practice. Some of those courses are a large investment in time and/or money, don't award certification and are still incredibly noteworthy and fundamental to who I am as a person and a practitioner. I believe it's helpful for folks to know about these -behind the scenes- courses. Here they are:
-Tending the Witch Wound: A year-long study into the witch
-Witches Flight Night
-The Dream Cauldron: A 3-part class exploring ritualized experimental trance space
-Keening Coven: An over-night devotional ceremony with the purpose of honoring the land, the spirit, and the people
-Wyrd Coven: An over-night experience including ritual, trance, ancestor reverence, land connection, seidr, staving play, spell casting
Daniel Foor | Ancestral Medicine
-Foundations of Ritual: Ritual work through the lens of Anamism
-Bring out your dead: Ancestral Healing in Poxy Times
-Breathwork for Business: One-on-one business coaching
-Inner Engineering
Jaime Meyer | Drumming the Soul Awake
-Three Moons: Working Shamanically With the Moon
-Working with the Ancestors
-Power and Discipline: How to strengthen power and minimize leakage
-Unblocking Power: Unbinding fear patterns, manifesting new life and Dragon work
-The Shamans Body: A 7 month-course in self-development through the lens of shamanism
Here is a list of folks who have helped shaped my soul and my work. Some I've worked with personally, some I have not. Some I've studied with for years; others a few months. They are all important to me and I am so grateful for their work. I encourage you to click on their names if they call to you. You might find yourself in some really cool places:
And last but not least: Mother Earth, water, fire, wind, my blood ancestors (of German, Norwegian and Polish/Austrian decent) and those of the land I live on (unceeded Wahpekute land), grandmother moon and grandfather sun, my animal spirit guides, the two beautiful maple trees in our yard, the four seasons, the four directions and plant people. Blessings be to you all.